I delve into the mysterious and counterintuitive world of helmets and high-visibility gear later in the book. But it's worth immediately noting this: while they're not inherently bad, they're less a safety device for cycling than a symptom of a road network where no cyclist can truly feel safe.

Some Similar Quotes
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  2. Some beautiful paths can't be discovered without getting lost. - Erol Ozan

  3. I saw the years of my life spaced along a road in the form of telephone poles threaded together by wires. I counted one, two, three... nineteen telephone poles, and then the wires dangled into space, and try as I would, I couldn't see a... - Sylvia Plath

  4. The road to enlightenment is long and difficult, and you should try not to forget snacks and magazines. - Anne Lamott

  5. You need mountains, long staircases don't make good hikers. - Amit Kalantri

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